In Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church, he stated that he had been entrusted with the gospel (1 Thess. 2:4). That is a huge responsibility and one that we as followers of Jesus have been given as well. As such we should embrace it boldly and humbly. Boldly we need to live out our calling, knowing who it is who has called us, and who has also equipped us to carry it out. Humbly in that we must always guard against trusting in our own abilities accomplish it. We live in the tension between being gifted and equipped by God but remembering we are broken and finite. We must learn to be faithful stewards of the skills and abilities God has entrusted us with, and be faithful planters and irrigators, but wholly trust that it is God who causes the growth. Paul learned to serve in a way that God received the glory. He stated, “I planted, Apollos water, but God gave the growth.” (1 Cor. 3:6). May we embrace the same lesson and carry out our part of the mission we have been entrusted with boldly and humbly, motivated by one desire – that God would receive all the glory!