This week I focus on a broad subject but one that is important to point out. Leadership is a topic of many books and seminars, and I encourage those who lead to take advantage of these resources. I have heard many pastors indicate that their education taught them how to be good theologians and care givers but not leaders. The New Testament uses three words to describe the role of a pastor. Presbyteros / Elder carries the idea of one who is mature in the faith, demonstrates Christlikeness, doctrinal conviction, and wisdom in seeking God and teaching and leading people. Poimen / Shepherd carries the idea of pastoring God’s flock. They know, love, feed, and protect the sheep. Episkopos / Overseer carries the idea one who leads the church to fulfill its mission. They are able to cast vision and implement strategy. They are able to answer the six directional questions – “What is our mission?” “Why are we doing it?” “How are we doing it?” “Where is God leading us to?” “Where do we start?” “When are we successful?” Overseers know how to lead a change process and navigate through the challenges that present themselves. Additionally, they know how to multiply themselves by discovering, developing and deploying other leaders in order to expand the work of fulfilling the mission. As you can see there are many competencies to develop and strengthen as leaders. My prayer is that you pursue growth in these areas resulting in greater effectiveness in the mission God has called you to. – Dr. Gary Mathes
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