This week I continue sharing a series of articles focused on things I have learned that are traits of an effective pastor and leader. Some might suggest having a passion for and dependence on God should go without saying, but the truth is that one can be competent to lead others but fail to lead themselves. I have seen too many leaders falter because they attempt to be a branch disconnected from the life of the True Vine. They depend more on their wisdom and skills rather than a full reliance on God. In previous articles I referred to king David leading with a pure heart and skilled hands. He was known as a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14). Our heart will not be pure nor passionate if we are not purposefully and intentionally seeking after God. David sought the Lord like a deer panting after water (Ps. 42:1), and God used him to lead His people to enjoy His blessings like they had never known before. We can gain much wisdom following his example. It has been said that one cannot lead people any further than what they have been themselves. If we want our people to passionately seek after God, they must be able to see it displayed in our lives. May our example be one of being a person of persistent prayer, a faithful student of Scripture, and consistently walking in the Spirit. – Dr. Gary Mathes
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