I recently was at one of our churches and the minister declared, “Thy kingdom come.” and the congregation responded, “Thy will be done.” It was a good reminder that regardless of the political agendas and in the aftermath of a recent election day, it is God who is sovereign over the affairs of our world, and it is His kingdom that will stand forever. While it is a matter of good stewardship to participate as a citizen and vote, our most important vote is the one we cast for the King. Election cycles come and go, but our God reigns from eternity to eternity. As citizens of His everlasting kingdom, we are called to seek first His kingdom and to do so with the full hope that it will fully be consummated when our Lord returns in glory. As our culture grows more hostile to the reign and rule of Christ, we are to remain faithful and active in our calling to proclaim the gospel and in doing so expand God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The field remain ripe for harvest, so let us join together and proclaim that, “the kingdom of God is at hand, therefore repent and believe in the good news!” (Mark 1:15). – Dr. Gary Mathes