This coming Sunday you will be celebrating the wonder of all wonders – the joy and hope of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we recount the death of our Savior on the cross as an atonement for our sin, his burial in a garden tomb, we rejoice in the truth that it wasn’t the end of the story. We celebrate that the stone that sealed his sepulcher was rolled away, the tomb was empty, his binding grave garments were unoccupied, and so there would be no question or confusion, Jesus himself appeared to many of his disciples very much alive and well. And over 2,000 years later we sing with the host of brothers and sisters in our two counties, our nation and around the world songs of joy and proclamation that our Savior has risen from the grave, defeated death and reigns as Lord and King. “Up from the grave he arose! With a mighty triumph o’er his foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain and He lives forever with his saints to reign. Hallelujah! Christ arose!” May the power, hope, and joy of the resurrection fill your hearts this coming Sunday as together we raise our voices high announcing to all the world the good news that Jesus has overcome sin and death and calls on everyone everywhere to repent and believe for the forgiveness of sins and the hope of everlasting life. To God be the glory! -Dr. Gary Mathes