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New Year

The New Year is here!  It is always an opportunity to evaluate the previous year and look ahead toward the future.  As I look ahead into 2023 I am excited to be part of a network of churches committed to partnering together for the gospel to reach the northland and the nations.   God did some amazing things through our sister churches in 2022 and even added to our fold via a new church plant and churches petitioning us for membership.  Many of our churches regained their strength that was lost during the pandemic in attendance and offerings.  Although I nor anyone can predict what 2023 will bring I believe through the passionate preaching  of the Word and faithful proclamation of the gospel that God will do great things.  I am praying for you, and cheering for all our churches to be filled with the Spirit and focused on making Jesus famous in our neighborhoods and networks.  May the Lord richly bless each one of our CPBA churches and those who lead in 2023!  

– Dr. Gary Mathes