Last week I attended the Midwest Leadership Conference in Springfield, IL with a few of our pastors. Like many conferences you go to, there are a few key statements you take away. One was, “Growing churches dream dreams, stagnant churches solve problems.” It is a good reminder that focus determines direction. What we set our eyes on determines our destination. If it is inward, often it is problems, if it is outward, more than likely it is a vision to fulfill. When Jesus said, “I will build my church,” he had a dream that he calls us to participate in. It was a dream that no problem, even as big as the gates of Hades, would prevent it from being accomplished. So as faithful followers may we focus on His mission, and help accomplish His purpose, trusting that He will equip and enable us to fulfill His will. Let’s keep our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith! – Dr. Gary Mathes