First Baptist Church - North Kansas City
Associate Pastor of NextGen
A. Overview
The Associate Pastor of NextGen is responsible for organizing, implementing and supervising First Baptist Church North Kansas City’s (FBCNKC’s) ministry to children, youth, and college age young adults and their families. The Associate Pastor of NextGen works under the direct supervision of and reports directly to the Lead Pastor.
B. Qualifications
- A passion for Jesus that is contagious.
- A genuine commitment to the gospel ministry, and a sense of divine call to the ministry.
- The ability to recruit, train, empower, and lead a team of ministry volunteers.
- Must be a member in good standing of an orthodox evangelical church, and in agreement with FBCNKC’s Mission Statement and Statement of Faith.
- The ability to plan, organize, direct, and lead while staying current in best practices for working with children, youth and young adults.
- The ability to meaningfully interact with and build lasting redemptive relationships with a wide age range of dependents and their families.
- Sufficient skills and experience to relate Bible teachings and applications to real-life questions and situations that apply to a wide range of children, youth, and young adults.
- The ability to recruit, train, empower and lead a team of ministry volunteers.
- A Bachelor’s degree in a related field and/or seminary degree is preferred.
C. Responsibilities
- The Associate Pastor of NextGen’s areas of ministry responsibility as follows:
- Birth to Pre-K (Littles)
- Kindergarten to 6th grade (Children)
- 7th Grade to 12th Grade (Youth)
- High school Graduation to 22 years old (Collegiate)
- On an annual basis, the Personnel Committee, Lead Pastor and Associate Pastor of NextGen will work together to define one or more of these age groups as the Ministry Focus Area for the ensuing year (or year of onboarding).
- The Associate Pastor of NextGen will:
- Develop and implement a strategic ministry plan for the Ministry Focus Area
- Personally coordinate and lead Sunday morning and Wednesday Evening programming for the Ministry Focus Area.
- Personally coordinate and lead summer camps, retreats, mission activities, outreach events, fundraisers and/or other church-sanctioned events for the Ministry Focus Area.
- Recruit, develop and supervise lay leadership for the Ministry Focus Area.
- Coordinate ministry for age groups of the Ministry Focus Areas through directors and ministry assistants, if applicable (collectively ‘staff’), through lay volunteers, and in person as necessary.
- Supervise staff; recruit, develop, and supervise Children’s Coordinator and lay leadership
over age groups including those outside the Ministry Focus Area.
- Supervise the planning and coordination of Sunday morning and Wednesday Evening programming for age groups outside the Ministry Focus Area.
- Supervise the planning and coordination of camps, retreats, mission activities, outreach events, fundraisers, and/or other church-sanctioned events for age groups outside the Ministry Focus Area.
- Work with other members of the church staff, ministry teams, and volunteers in a spirit of collaboration and Christian joy.
- Cooperate with the Lead Pastor and Generosity Committee by preparing and administering the budget within the established guidelines and in compliance with church policies.
- Purchase supplies needed to equip the ministry.
- Assist the Pastoral Team with ministry care; especially for families with children or young adult dependents in the areas of ministry responsibility.
- Except as necessary for ministry and outreach, or Pastor-approved flex time, the Associate Pastor of NextGen will be expected to keep regular office hours Monday to Thursday,
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
D. Safety
- Ensure a physically and emotionally safe environment for spiritual development in all areas of ministry responsibility.
- Oversee and ensure the cleanliness of ministry spaces.
- Assist the church office with maintaining necessary student health records.
- Create/maintain Family Orientation and Ministry Volunteer handbooks.
- Ensure proper completion of background checks for all ministry volunteers prior to their participation.
DI. Additional Duties as Assigned by the Lead Pastor
DII. Other: Other polices related to compensation, benefits and termination of services are outlined in the church’s Personnel Policy.